In his novel, The Island of Dr. Moreau, H.G. Wells created the character of a mad scientist who wanted to turn wild animals into human-like creatures. The animals underwent countless surgical experiments, which were extremely painful, to make them more human. These fictional "beast people" could talk and walk on two legs, but were still wild animals at heart.
Walk Like a Man: One operation that every beast person went through was a straightening of its legs and spine. Their muscles, tendons and vertebrae were altered so they could walk on two legs, like humans.
Scarface: Dr. Moreau performed so many surgeries on his creations that they were covered with scars. Stitches on the beast people held animal and human parts together all over their bodies.
Taming the Beast[]

H.G. Wells' imagination ran wild in many of his sci-fi novels, including The War of the Worlds and The Invisible Man.
In H.G. Wells' novel, Dr. Moreau had one goal when he began experimenting on animals: to free them of their beastly nature and make them as intelligent as humans. Alterations were made to the beasts' brains so they could think logically and even speak. The creatures were able to obey orders and even play games like chess, but they never lost their animal instincts. Disagreements with them could easily get violent.
Mixed Bag: Dr. Moreau extended his experiments in the story by trying to merge different animals together. One such creation was the hyena-swine, which was a combination of a hyena and a pig.
Back to Basics: After a short time, every beast person lost all of its human characteristics and reverted back to being an animal. The beast didn't hesitate to attack the people with whom it once lived.
Dr. Evil[]
When performing surgery, Dr. Moreau never used any type of anesthetic, so the beasts would feel every bit of pain. In one of his surgeries on a puma, the beast cries in pain and uses a surge of strength to break its shackles and escape. The mad scientist chases after his half-finished puma with a pistol, intending to kill it, and the two clash in a fierce battle.
Trading Card[]
- The trading card has the Emerald Attack Power trait.
- There are two movie references in the titles used on the card:
- Firstly, the mini-heading "Scarface" on the front is likely a reference to the 1983 crime film of the same name.
- The title for the illustration on the back, "Dr. Evil", is most likely a reference to the Austin Powers franchise villain of the same name.
- The beast person is featured on several Monster Maniacards:
- It's trading card is featured on Battle of the Monsters Variations 69 on Monster Mania 69.
- The beast person itself is featured in Literary Legends on Monster Mania 73.