Weird n' Wild Creatures Wiki

Bigfoot, also called "Sasquatch," is undoubtedly the most famous "monster" in the world. With more than 1,700 sightings in North America, many people believe Bigfoot is out there, stomping secretly in the forests. It is said to leave huge footprints wherever it walks, exciting people who find them and baffling scientists who try to determine if the creature truly exists.

Big Feet: As its name implies, Bigfoot is best known from its feet-or tracks that people claim were made by the beast. The biggest footprints found have measured two feet long and eight inches wide, about twice the size of a human foot.

Kidnapped? Some claim to have been kidnapped by Bigfoot. In 1924, Albert Ostman says that a Bigfoot snatched him and his family while they were in their sleeping bags, and held them prisoner in its den for six days.

The Missing Link?[]

Bigfoot Back Image

The first Bigfoot prints were reported in 1811; people claimed to have spotted the beast ever since.

Many people who believe Bigfoot is a real creature think that the beast is closely related to humans. Even scientists, such as Jane Goodall, a famous expert on apes, thinks that Bigfoot could be real, and might represent a link between humans and gorillas or chimpanzees. According to most descriptions, Bigfoot has a bulky hair body with arms that dangle down to its knees, like a gorilla, and can walk upright on two legs, like a human.

Testing, Testing: Hairs found near supposed Bigfoot tracks have been sent to labs around the world for DNA testing. Most results seem to indicate the hairs came from buffaloes, but some test [sic] have shown results that don't match any known animal.

Old Timer: Many Native American tribes have stories of creatures that could be Bigfoot. They call the creature Sasquatch, or the "Hairy Man," and some legends say that the best is the husband of "Mother Nature."

The Most Famous Fake[]

In 1967, filmmaker Roger Patterson shocked the world with film footage of what he said was Bigfoot. The film showed a huge, ape-like creature striding through the woods of northern California. Believers and skeptics argued whether the beast in the film was real until 2004, when Bob Heironimus, a friend of Patterson, said that it was he inside of an ape costume.

Trading Card[]


  • The "Testing, Testing" section on the back of the knowledge card says "test", when it should be plural.
  • Bigfoot is mentioned on several other cards:
    • Gigantopithecus' knowledge card says some believe Bigfoot is a surviving member of said species.
    • In regards to other primate cryptids, it is compared to the Skunk Ape and Yowies on their knowledge cards, and used as a heading for the Yeti.
    • It’s also referenced in a heading on the back of the Dog Whelk knowledge card.
  • Bigfoot is featured on several Monster Mania cards: