The Brazilian wandering spider is a large tarantula that prowls around South American rainforests. This spider packs more venom than any other spider in the world, and uses it to deadly effect. This wandering spider not only travels throughout rainforests, but across oceans as well. It is a frequent stowaway on cargo ships headed for the U.S. and Europe.
Big Shot: This fearsome spider has long, curved fangs that are connected to the biggest venom glands in the spider world. The glands are nearly half an inch long, and hold enough toxins to kill 200 mice.
Wider Load: Instead of striking downward, the wandering spider bites by pinching its fangs together, like a crab's claws. The bite is shallow, and allows the massive dose of venom to flow into a wide area just beneath the victim's skin, where it takes effect faster.
Big Spider is Aisle One[]
The Brazilian wandering spider makes its home in the rainforests, and often searches in trees to find reptiles and big insects to eat. If the spider nestles into bunches of bananas, it could soon be going on a trip. When workers pick these fruits to ship them around the world, the wandering spider hitches a ride. This spider is known to have traveled to the United States and Europe, and has even been seen inside supermarkets where the fruits are sold!
Leapin' Spiders: The wandering spider hunts actively on the ground rather than spinning a web, which is how it got its name. The creature can leap distances up to a foot and a half from a running start to pounce on prey.
Human Hunter: When most spiders encounter something bigger than they are, such as a person, they turn and run. Not this beast. The wandering spider instinctively bites when threatened, and its paralyzing venom can easily kill people.
Banana Boat Surprise[]
- Having hitched a ride from its rainforest home on a boat, a Brazilian wandering spider creeps into a house to escape the cold of the northern United States. The spider feeds on insects in the house, but as soon as the homeowner spots it, he grabs a broom to try and sweep it outside.
- The spider rears its front legs up as a threat, but the person keeps coming at it with the broom. Instead of running away, the spider goes on the offensive and scurries up the broom handle. If it manages to get in a bite, this person could die without medical attention.
Trading Card[]
- The photo caption on the back of the card erroneously calls this spider's bite poisonous.