Tales of bats often frighten people in modern times, but legends of a bloodthirsty human-sized bat scared the wits out of Central American natives a thousand years ago. The demon Camazotz took the form of a giant vampire bat and was reputed to kill people and animals to drink their blood. Legend has it that the demon was even responsible for killing the entire human race!
Bat-Man: According to Ancient Mayan myth, Camazotz was a vampire bat that was the size of a man, and maybe even bigger. The bat was feared for its sudden attacks in which it sucked a victim's body dry of blood.
Stone-Faced Killer: As with real bats, Camazotz came out to terrorize people at night. The Mayan people believed they were safe from the demon when the sun was out because the creature spent its days as a stone statue.
Destroy all Humans[]

Ancient Mayans made human sacrifices at temples.
Ancient Mayans believed in several gods and demons. The gods protected the Mayans by keeping the demons trapped in the Underworld known as Xibalba. In return, the gods demanded that the people feed them with human sacrifices and offerings of their blood. Some people grew defiant and broke the laws of the gods. As punishment, the gods let Camazotz out of Xibalba and sent him to Earth. The demon wiped out the entire human race (as it was known by the Mayans) so the gods could create a new race, who would obey their laws.
Major General: Camazotz not only killed people, but also ruled over an army of lesser demons. He commanded these troops in fierce battles with the Mayan gods, preventing the gods from entering the Underworld and attacking the other demons there.
The Real Deal: Experts on Mayan culture think this demon was based on a real creature. Fossils of a giant vampire bat that had a 1-foot wingspan were found where the Mayans lived.
Mr. Pumpkinhead[]
A set of heroic twins named Hunahpu and Xbalanque were sent into Xibalba to destroy all demons. When they spent the night in the "House of Bats," Camazotz's lair, they are attacked by the demon, who rips Hunahpu's head off. Xbalanque saves his brother by replacing his head with a pumpkin. Hunahpu got his head back later, and the twins defeated the demon.
Trading Card[]
- The mini-heading on the front of the card, "Bat-Man", is likely a reference to the DC hero, Batman.
- Camazots is featured in Hero's Quest on Monster Mania 91.