Weird n' Wild Creatures Wiki
Weird n' Wild Creatures Wiki

The following is a list of cards.

Monsters of the Past

No. Creature Front Back Pkt Trading Card 1 Pkt Trading Card 2 Pkt
1 T-Rex T-Rex front T-Rex Monsters of the Past Card 1 back 00 T-Rex 1 - -
2 Stegosaurus Stegosaurus front Stegosaurus back 02 Stegosaurus 02 - -
3 Dunkleosteus Dunkleosteus front Dunkleosteus back 03 Dunkleosteus 32 - -
4 Apatosaurus Apatosaurus front Apatosaurus back 03 Apatosaurus 46 - -
5 Eurypterids Eurypterid front Eurypterid back 09 Eurypterid 66 - -
6 Cynognathus Cynognathus front Cynognathus back 08 Cynognathus 44 - -
7 Giant Sloth Giant Sloth front Giant Sloth back 14 Giant Sloth 14 - -
8 Carnotaurus Carnotaurus front Carnotaurus back 14 Carnotaurus Card 11 - -
9 Amargasaurus Amargasaurus front Amargasaurus back 10 Amargasaurus 10 - -
10 Megalodon Megaladon front Megaladon back 11 Megalodon 07 - -
11 Triceratops Triceratops front Triceratops back 00 Triceratops 03 - -
12 Diplocaulus Diplocaulus front Diplocaulus back 13 Diplocaulus 53 - -
13 Allosaurus Allosaurus front Allosaurus back 04 Allosaurus 08 - -
14 Saber-Toothed Tiger Saber-Toothed Tiger front Saber-Toothed Tiger back 00 Saber-Toothed Tiger 00 Saber-Toothed Tiger Titanium 81
15 Tasmanian Wolf Tasmanian Wolf front Tasmanian Wolf back 02 Tasmanian Wolf 02 - -
16 Trilobites Trilobites front Trilobites back 15 Trilobite 15 - -
17 Pteranodon Pteranodon front Pteranodon back 01 Pteranodon 05 - -
18 Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus front Giganotosaurus back 05 Giganotosaurus 06 - -
19 Gallimimus Gallimimus front Gallimimus back 07 Gallimimus 07 - -
20 Archaeopteryx Archaeopteryx front Archaeopteryx back 07 Archaeopteryx 08 - -
21 Woolly Mammoth Wooly Mammoth front Wooly Mammoth back 04 Woolly Mammoth 01 - -
22 Velociraptor Velociraptor front Velociraptor back 01 Velociraptor 00 - -
23 Deinosuchus Deinosuchus front Deinosuchus back 09 Deinosuchus 09 - -
24 Colossochelys Colossochelys front Colossochelys back 15 Colossochelys 13 - -
25 Thylacosmilus Thylacosmilus front Thylacosmilus back 10 Thylacosmilus 40 - -
26 Parasaurolophus Parasaurolophus front Parasaurolophus back 06 - - - -
27 Doedicurus Doedicurus front Doedicurus back 08 Doedicurus 08 - -
28 Andrewsarchus Andrewsarchus front Andrewsarchus back 12 Andrewsarchus 12 - -
29 Mosasaurs Mosasaurs front Mosasaurs back 05 Mosasaur 02 - -
30 Edmontonia Edmontonia front Edmontonia back 11 Edmontonia Card 07 - -
31 Styracosaurus Styracosaurus front Styracosaurus back 06 Styracosaurus 05 - -
32 Troödons Troodon front Troodon back 06 Troodon 17 - -
33 Megaloceros Megaloceros front Megaloceros back 12 Megaloceros 12 - -
34 Tarbosaurus Tarbosaurus front Tarbosaurus back 18 Tarbosaurus 13 - -
35 Ouranosaurus Ouranosaurus front Ouranosaurus back 19 Ouranosaurus 19 - -
36 Euoplocephalus Euoplocephalus front Euoplocephalus back 17 Euoplocephalus 17 - -
37 Dilophosaurus Dilophosaurus front Dilophosaurus back 25 Dilophosaurus 35 - -
38 Dimetrodon Dimetrodon front Dimetrodon back 20 Dimetrodon 06 - -
39 Borhyaena Borhyaena front Borhyaena back 18 Borhyaena 18 - -
40 Scimitar Cat Scimtar Cat front Scimtar Cat back 16 Scimitar Cat 16 - -
41 Saltasaurus Saltasaurus front Saltasaurus back 27 Saltasaurus 27 - -
42 Kentrosaurus Kentrosausus front Kentrosausus back 22 Kentrosaurus 23 - -
43 Lystrosaurus Lystrosaurus front Lystrosaurus back 21 Lystrosaurus 21 - -
44 Deinocheirus Deinocheirus front Deinocheirus back 28 Deinocheirus 28 - -
45 Pachycephalosaurus Pachycephalosaurus front Pachycephalosaurus back 26 Pachycephalosaurus 10 - -
46 Suchomimus Suchomimus front Suchomimus back 23 Suchomimus 23 - -
47 Dimorphodon Dimorphdon front Dimorphdon back 29 Dimorphodon 39 - -
48 Deinonychus Deinoychus front Deinoychus back 19 Deinonychus 19 - -
49 Carcharodontosaurus Carcharodontosaurus front Carcharodontosaurus back 25 Carcharodontosaurus 25 - -
50 Ophthalmosaurus Ophthalmosaurus front Ophthalmosaurus back 28 Ophthalmosaurus 36 - -
51 Kronosaurus Kronosaurus front Kronosaurus back 24 Kronosaurus 24 - -
52 Acrocanthosaurus Acrocanthosaurus front Acrocanthosaurus back 27 Acrocanthosaurus 27 - -
53 Oviraptor Oviraptor front Oviraptor back 23 - - - -
54 Megalosaurus Megalosaurus front Megalosaurus back 22 Megalosaurus 22 - -
55 Basilosaurus Basilosaurus front Basilosaurus back 30 Basilosaurus 30 - -
56 Chalicotherium Chalicotherium front Chalicotherium back 37 Chalicotherium TCG 37 - -
57 Brachiosaurus Brachiosaurus front Brachiosaurus back 34 Brachiosaurus 34 - -
58 Indricotherium Indricotherium front Indricotherium back 32 Indricotherium 32 - -
59 Giant Beaver Giant Beaver front Giant Beaver back 45 Giant Beaver 45 - -
60 Pterodaustro Pterodaustro front Pterodaustro back 40 Pterodaustro 74 - -
61 Hyaenodon Hyaenodon front Hyaenodon back 38 Hyaenodon 48 - -
62 Herrerasaurus Herrerasaurus front Herrerasaurus back 31 Herrerasaurus 31 - -
63 Gracilisuchus Gracilisuchus front Gracilisuchus back 35 Gracilisuchus 35 - -
64 Platybelodon Platybelodon front Platybelodon back 43 Platybelodon 53 - -
65 Ceratosaurus Ceratosaurus front Ceratosaurus back 41 Ceratosaurus 41 - -
66 Spinosaurus Spinosaurus front Spinosaurus back 33 Spinosaurus 33 - -
67 Diatryma Diatryma front Diatryma back 44 Diatryma 44 - -
68 Dinofelis Dinofelis front Dinofelis back 42 Dinofelis 50 - -
69 Mononykus Mononykus front Mononykus back 31 Mononykus 33 - -
70 Chasmosaurus Chasmosaurus front Chasmosaurus back 36 Chasmosaurus 39 - -
71 Utahraptor Utahraptor front Utahraptor back 38 Utahraptor 38 - -
72 Baryonyx Baryonyx front Baryonyx back 43 Baryonyx 43 - -
73 Woolly Rhinoceros Wooly Rhinoceros front Wooly Rhinoceros back 39 Woolly Rhino 39 - -
74 Scelidosaurus Scelidosaurus front Scelidosaurus back 34 Scelidosaurus 34 - -
75 Dromaeosaurus Dromaeosaurus front Dromaeosaurus back 49 Dromaeosaurus 49 - -
76 Lambeosaurus Lambeosaurus front Lambeosaurus back 58 Lambeosaurus 67 - -
77 Postosuchus Postosuchus front Postosuchus back 47 Postosuchus 47 Postosuchus 65
78 Sarcosuchus Sarcosuchus front Sarcosuchus back 60 Sarcosuchus 60 - -
79 Giant Goanna Giant Goanna front Giant Goanna back 48 Giant Goanna 49 - -
80 Struthiomimus Struthiomimus front Struthiomimus back 46 Struthiomimus 47 - -
81 Hesperornis Hesperornis front Hesperornis back 54 Hesperornis 54 - -
82 Columbian Mammoth Columbian Mammoth front Columbian Mammoth back 53 Columbian Mammoth 53 - -
83 Brontotherium Brontotherium front Brontotherium back 52 Brontotherium 23 - -
84 Argentavis Argentavis front Argentavis back 59 Argentavis 61 - -
85 Giant Moa Giant Moa front Giant Moa back 51 Giant Moa 57 - -
86 Quetzalcoatlus Quetzalcoatlus front Quetzalcoatlus back 56 Quetzalcoatlus 56 - -
87 Cryolophosaurus Cryolophosaurus front Cryolophosaurus back 51 Cryolophosaurus 51 - -
88 Mussaurus Mussaurus front Mussaurus back 56 - - - -
89 Giant Orthocone Giant Orthocone front Giant Orthocone back 59 Giant Orthocone 71 - -
90 Maiasaura Maiasaura front Maiasaura back 55 Maiasaura 55 - -
91 Dire Wolf Dire Wolf front Dire Wolf back 50 Dire Wolf 50 - -
92 Entelodonts Entelodont front Entelodont back 57 Entelodont 62 - -
93 Dinogorgon Dinogorgon front Dinogorgon back 61 Dinogorgon 61 - -
94 Protodonata Protodonata front Protodonata back 71 Giant Dragonfly 73 - -
95 Psittacosaurus Psittacosaurus front Psittacosaurus back 64 Psittacosaurus 64 - -
96 Shunosaurus Shunosaurus front Shunosaurus back 63 Shunosaurus 40 - -
97 Seismosaurus Seismosaurus front Seismosaurus back 68 Seismosaurus 68 - -
98 Haast's Eagle Haast's Eagle front Haast's Eagle back 70 Haast's Eagle 72 - -
99 Eustreptospondylus Eustrepospondylus front Eustrepospondylus back 65 Eustreptospondylus 69 - -
100 Coelurosauravus Coelurosauravus front Coelurosauravus back 67 Coelurosauravus 67 - -
101 Deinotherium Deinotherium front Deinotherium back 63 Deinotherium 68 - -
102 Coelophysis Coelophysis front Coelophysis back 75 Coelophysis 75 - -
103 Ornitholestes Ornitholestes front Ornitholestes back 73 Ornitholestes 73 - -
104 Megarachne Megarachne front Megarachne back 75 Megarachne 75 - -
105 Gigantopithecus Gigantopithecus front Gigantopithecus back 64 Gigantopithecus 66 - -
106 Compsognathus Compsognathus front Compsognathus back 62 Compsognathus 62 - -
107 Protoceratops Protoceratops front Protoceratops back 72 Protoceratops 72 - -
108 Hypsilophodon Hypsilophodon front Hypsilophodon back 66 Hypsilophodon 64 - -
109 Iguanodon Iguanodon front Iguanodon back 69 Iguanodon 36 - -
110 Nothosaurus Nothosaurus front Nothosaurus back 74 Nothosaurus 74 - -
111 Stethacanthus Stethacanthus front Stethacanthus back 84 Stethacanthus 84 - -
112 American Mastodon American Mastodon front American Mastodon back 82 American Mastodon 82 - -
113 Cave Bear Cave Bear front Cave Bear back 78 Cave Bear 78 - -
114 Gigantophis Gigantophis front Gigantophis back 76 Gigantophis 76 - -
115 Dapedium Dapedium front Dapedium back 85 Dapedium 86 - -
116 Cladoselache Cladoselache front Cladoselache back 77 Cladoselache 81 - -
117 Ichthyostega Ichthyostega front Ichthyostega back 90 Ichthyostega 90 - -
118 Ambulocetus Ambulocetus front Ambulocetus back 87 - - - -
119 Giant Ants Giant Ants front Giant Ants back 89 Giant Ant 89 - -
120 Thylacoleo Thylacoleo front Thylacoleo back 81 Thylacoleo 81 - -
121 Elasmosaurus Elasmosaurus front Elasmosaurus back 86 Elasmosaurus 88 - -
122 Thrinaxodon Thrinaxodon front Thrinaxodon back 79 Thrinaxodon 79 - -
123 Argentinosaurus Argentinosaurus front Argentinosaurus back 80 Argentinosaurus 80 - -

Nightmares of Nature

No. Creature Front Back Pkt Trading Card 1 Pkt Trading Card 2 Pkt
1 Tasmanian Devil Tasmanian Devil front Tasmanian Devil back 06 Tasmanian Devil 04 - -
2 Aquatic Leech Aquatic Leech front Aquatic Leech back 09 Aquatic Leech 23 - -
3 Barracudas Barracudas front Barracudas back 07 Barracudas 06 Barracuda Diamond 87
4 Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon front Komodo Dragon back 03 Komodo Dragon 03 - -
5 Saltwater Crocodile Saltwater Crocodile front Saltwater Crocodile back 00 Saltwater Crocodile 04 Saltwater Crocodile - Diamond 40
6 Reticulated Python Reticulated Python front Reticulated Python back 04 Reticulated Python 04 Reticulated Python Titanium 52
7 Giant Centipedes Giant Centipedes front Giant Centipedes back 02 Giant Centipede 10 - -
8 Nile Monitor Nile Monitor front Nile Monitor back 12 Nile Monitor 33 - -
9 Velvet Worm Velvet Worm front Velvet Worm back 11 Velvet Worm 18 - -
10 Bird-Eating Spider Bird-Eating Spider front Bird-Eating Spider back 06 Bird-Eating Spider 02 - -
11 Piranhas Piranhas front Piranhas back 01 Piranhas 11 - -
12 Green Anaconda Green Anaconda front Green Anaconda back 02 Anaconda 00 Anaconda-Diamond 31
13 Red-Kneed Tarantula Red-Kneed Tarantula front Red-Kneed Tarantula back 10 Red-Kneed Tarantula 75 - -
14 Hippopotamus Hippopotamus front Hippopotamus back 09 Hippopotamus 09 - -
15 Grizzly Bear Grizzly Bear front Grizzly Bear back 05 Grizzly Bear 09 - -
16 American Alligator American Alligator front American Alligator back 14 American Alligator 14 - -
17 Harpy Eagle Harpy Eagle front Harpy Eagle back 13 Harpy Eagle 13 - -
18 Spotted Hyena Spotted Hyena front Spotted Hyena back 07 Spotted Hyena 07 - -
19 Emerald Tree Boa Emerald Tree Boa front Emerald Tree Boa back 15 Emerald Tree Boa 15 - -
20 Wolverine Wolverine front Wolverine back 00 Wolverine 03 Wolverine-Titanium 72
21 Vampire Bat Vampire Bat front Vampire Bat back 03 Vampire Bat 02 - -
22 Ratel Ratel front Ratel back 08 Ratel 10 - -
23 Tailless Whip Scorpion Tailless Whip Scorpion front Tailless Whip Scorpion back 16 Tailless Whip Scorpion 21 - -
24 Polar Bear Polar Bear front Polar Bear back 26 Polar Bear 32 - -
25 Nile Crocodile Nile Crocodile front Nile Crocodile back 30 Nile Crocodile 30 - -
26 Gharial Gharial front Gharial back 19 Gharial 19 - -
27 Alligator Gar Alligator Gar front Alligator Gar back 21 Alligator Gar 21 - -
28 Siberian Tiger Siberian Tiger front Siberian Tiger back 28 Siberian Tiger 30 - -
29 Regal Horned Lizard Regal Horned Lizard front Regal Horned Lizard back 20 Regal Horned Lizard 20 - -
30 Sea Lamprey Sea Lamprey front Sea Lamprey back 17 Sea Lamprey 64 - -
31 Stoat Stoat front Stoat back 23 Stoat 56 - -
32 Striped Hyena Striped Hyena front Striped Hyena back 20 Striped Hyena 20 - -
33 Alligator Snapping Turtle Alligator Snapping Turtle front Alligator Snapping Turtle back 27 Alligator Snapping Turtle 34 - -
34 Puma Puma front Puma back 24 Puma 48 - -
35 Boa Constrictor Boa Constrictor front Boa Constrictor back 21 Boa Constrictor 19 - -
36 Raven Raven front Raven back 16 Raven 16 - -
37 Leopard Seal Leopard Seal front Leopard Seal back 18 Leopard Seal 25 - -
38 Raft Spider Raft Spider front Raft Spider back 29 Raft Spider 45 - -
39 Giant Millipedes Giant Millipede front Giant Millipede back 22 Giant Millipede 44 - -
40 Tapeworms Tapeworm front Tapeworm back 23 Tapeworm 12 - -
41 Ghost Bat Ghost Bat front Ghost Bat back 26 Ghost Bat 26 - -
42 King Vulture King Vulture front King Vulture back 17 King Vulture 32 - -
43 African Lion African Lion front African Lion back 45 African Lion 45 - -
44 Great Horned Owl Great Horned Owl front Great Horned Owl back 40 Great Horned Owl 40 - -
45 Wild Boar Wild Boar front Wild Boar back 33 Wild Boar 24 - -
46 Gray Wolf Gray Wolf front Gray Wolf back 45 Gray Wolf - - -
47 Wolf Spiders Wolf Spider front Wolf Spider back 34 Wolf Spider 33 - -
48 Tiger Fish Tiger Fish front 48b 37 Tiger Fish 24 - -
49 Salvadori Monitor Salvadori Monitor front Salvadori Monitor back 43 Salvadori Monitor 43 - -
50 Gigantic Lace Monitor Gigantic Lace Monitor front Gigantic Lace Monitor back 32 Gigantic Lace Monitor 30 - -
51 Jaguar Jaguar front Jaguar back 36 Jaguar 36 - -
52 Cheetah Cheetah front Cheetah back 41 Cheetah 47 - -
53 Leopard Leopard front Leopard back 44 Leopard 49 - -
54 Pike Pike front Pike back 38 Pike 55 - -
55 African Buffalo African Buffalo front African Buffalo back 35 African Buffalo 35 - -
56 Indian Python Indian Python front Indian Python back 40 Indian Python 39 - -
57 Elephant Seal Elephant Seal front Elephant Seal back 35 Elephant Seal 51 - -
58 Spectral Vampire Bat Spectral Vampire Bat front Spectral Vampire Bat back 42 Spectral Vampire Bat 42 - -
59 Emperor Scorpion Emperor Scorpion front Emperor Scorpion back 31 Emperor Scorpion 31 - -
60 Northern Snakehead Northern Snakehead front Northern Snakehead back 58 Northern Snakehead 61 - -
61 Martial Eagle Martial Eagle front Martial Eagle back 57 Martial Eagle 57 - -
62 Bearded Vulture Bearded Vulture front Bearded Vulture back 46 Bearded Vulture 75 - -
63 Budgett's Frog Budgett's Frog front Budgett's Frog back 53 Budgett's Frog 52 - -
64 Brown Skua Brown Skua front Brown Skua back 60 Brown Skua 60 - -
65 Goliath Bullfrog Goliath Bullfrog front Goliath Bullfrog back 48 Goliath Bullfrog 50 - -
66 Snapping Turtle Snapping Turtle front Snapping Turtle back 52 Snapping Turtle 75 - -
67 Kodiak Bear Kodiak Bear front Kodiak Bear back 49 Kodiak Bear 49 - -
68 Giant Whip Scorpion Giant Whip Scorpion front Giant Whip Scorpion back 53 Giant Whip Scorpion 58 - -
69 Hognose Snake Hognose Snake front Hognose Snake back 55 Hognose Snake 68 - -
70 Brown Rat Brown Rat front Brown Rat back 50 Brown Rat 43 - -
71 Rainbow Boa Rainbow Boa front Rainbow Boa back 52 Rainbow Boa 21 - -
72 King Baboon Spider King Baboon Spider front King Baboon Spider back 59 King Baboon Spider 59 - -
73 Mink Mink front Mink back 56 Mink 60 - -
74 Black Caiman Black Caiman front Black Caiman back 54 Black Caiman 54 - -
75 Marine Toad Marine Toad front Marine Toad back 51 Marine Toad 51 - -
76 Giant Walking Stick Giant Walking Stick front Giant Walking Stick back 67 Giant Walking Stick 71 - -
77 Bengal Tiger Bengal Tiger front Bengal Tiger back 61 Bengal Tiger 61 - -
78 Andean Condor Andean Condor front Andean Condor back 66 Andean Condor 66 - -
79 Lappet-Faced Vulture Lappet-Faced Vulture front Lappet-Faced Vulture back 69 Lappet-Faced Vulture 69 - -
80 Babirusa Babirusa front Babirusa back 71 Babirusa 71 - -
81 Marabou Stork Marabou Stork front Marabou Stork back 63 - - - -
82 Savannah Monitor Savannah Monitor front Savannah Monitor back 62 Savannah Monitor 58 - -
83 Hunting Spider Hunting Spider front Hunting Spider back 73 Hunting Spider 73 - -
84 Mammoth Wasps Mammoth Wasp front Mammoth Wasp back 70 Mammoth Wasp 70 - -
85 Green Tree Python Green Tree Python front Green Tree Python back 68 Green Tree Python 38 - -
86 Huntsman Spiders Huntsman Spider front Huntsman Spider back 65 Huntsman Spider 52 - -
87 Cassowary Cassowary front Cassowary back 75 - - - -
88 Wels Catfish Wels Catfish front Wels Catfish back 72 Wels Catfish 72 - -
89 Warthog Warthog front Warthog back 74 Warthog 47 - -
90 Peregrine Falcon Peregrine Falcon front Peregrine Falcon back 62 Peregrine Falcon 63 - -
91 Woodlouse Spider Woodlouse Spider front Woodlouse Spider back 64 - - - -
92 Walrus Walrus front Walrus back 71 Walrus 71 - -
93 Sand Monitor Sand Monitor front Sand Monitor back 69 Sand Monitor 69 - -
94 Pirarucu Pirarucu front Pirarucu back 65 Pirarucu 69 - -
95 Steller's Sea Eagle Stellar's Sea Eagle front Stellar's Sea Eagle back 73 Steller's Sea Eagle 71 - -
96 Fossa Fossa front Fossa back 78 Fossa 78 - -
97 Whipworms Whipworms front Whipworms back 86 - - - -
98 Hamadryas Baboon Hamadryas Baboon front Hamadryas Baboon back 87 Hamadryas Baboon 87 - -
99 Black Rhino Black Rhino front Black Rhino back 77 Black Rhinoceros 77 - -
100 Bald Eagle Bald Eagle front Bald Eagle back 80 Bald Eagle 80 - -
101 Jaguarundi Jaguarundi front Jaguarundi back 86 Jaguarundi 86 - -
102 Eurasian Buzzard Eurasian Buzzard front Eurasian Buzzard back 88 - - - -
103 Tegu Tegu front Tegu back 90 Tegu 90 - -
104 Snow Leopard Snow Leopard front Snow Leopard back 76 Snow Leopard 76 - -
105 Eagle Owl Eagle Owl front Eagle Owl back 85 Eagle Owl 85 - -
106 Steller Sea Lion Steller Sea Lion front Steller Sea Lion Back 82 - - - -
107 Hookworms Hookworms front Hookworms back 81 Hookworm 81 - -
108 Genet Genet front Genet back 81 Genet 83 - -
109 Mandrill Mandrill front Mandrill back 79 Mandrill 79 - -
110 Black Panthers Black Panthers front Black Panthers back 88 Black Panther 88 - -
111 Coyote Coyote front Coyote back 77 Coyote 82 - -
112 Lynx Lynx front Lynx back 84 Lynx 84 - -
113 African Wild Dog African Wild Dog front African Wild Dog back 83 African Wild Dog 83 - -
114 Gyrfalcon Gyrfalcon front Gyrfalcon back 87 Gyrfalcon 89 - -
115 Golden Jackal Golden Jackal front Golden Jackal back 85 Golden Jackal 85 - -
116 Malayan Sun Bear Malayan Sun Bear front Malayan Sun back 79 Malayan Sun Bear 79 - -
117 American Badger American Badger front American Badger back 89 American Badger 89 - -

Toxic Terrors

No. Creature Front Back Pkt Trading Card 1 Pkt Trading Card 2 Pkt
1 Killer Bee Killer Bee front Killer Bee back 11 Killer Bees 14 - -
2 King Cobra King Cobra front King Cobra back 00 King Cobra 01 - -
3 Portuguese Man-O-War Portuguese Man-o-War front Portuguese Man-o-War back 06 Portugese Man-O-War 22 - -
4 Sea Snakes Sea Snake front Sea Snake back 08 Sea Snake 08 - -
5 Blue-Ringed Octopus Blue-Ringed Octopus front Blue-Ringed Octopus back 03 Blue-Ringed Octopus 03 - -
6 Coral Snakes Coral Snake front Coral Snake back 01 Coral Snake 12 - -
7 Gila Monster Gila Monster front Gila Monster back 02 Gila Monster 05 - -
8 Box Jellyfish Box Jellyfish front Box Jellyfish back 04 Box Jellyfish 06 - -
9 Black Widow Spider Black Widow Spider front Black Widow Spider back 05 Black Widow 05 - -
10 Fat-Tailed Scorpion Fat-Tailed Scropion front Fat-Tailed Scropion back 01 Fat-Tailed Scorpion 01 Fat-tailed scorpion-titanium 90
11 Fierce Snake Fierce Snake front Fierce Snake back 05 Fierce Snake 22 - -
12 Saber-Toothed Ground Beetle Saber-Toothed Ground Beetle front Saber-Toothed Ground Beetle back 13 Saber-Toothed Ground Beetle 13 - -
13 Death Stalker Scorpion Death Stalker Scorpion front Death Stalker Scorpion back 10 Death Stalker Scorpion 54 - -
14 Poison-Dart Frogs Poison-Dart Frogs front Poison-Dart Frogs back 00 Poison-Dart Frog 00 - -
15 Copperhead Copperhead front Copperhead Toxic back 12 Copperhead 12 - -
16 Sea Anemones Sea Anemones front Sea Anemones back 12 - - - -
17 Stingrays Stingrays front Stingrays back 02 Stingray 24 - -
18 Massasauga Massasauga front Massasauga back 14 Massasauga 14 - -
19 Bulldog Ant Bulldog Ant front Bulldog Ant back 09 Bulldog Ant 09 - -
20 Puff Adder Puff Adder front Puff Adder back 11 Puff Adder 11 - -
21 Crown of Thorns Crown of Thorns front Crown of Thorns back 13 Crown of Thorns Starfish 17 - -
22 Gaboon Viper Gaboon Viper front Gaboon Viper back 10 Gaboon Viper 21 - -
23 Lion's Mane Jellyfish Lion's Mane Jellyfish front Lion's Mane Jellyfish back 17 Lion's Mane Jellyfish 17 - -
24 Ringhals Ringhals front Ringhals back 19 Ringhals 19 - -
25 Fireworms Fireworms front Fireworms back 30 Fireworm 26 - -
26 Rhinoceros Viper Rhinoceros Viper front Rhinoceros Viper back 16 Rhinoceros Viper 16 - -
27 Mantella Frogs Mantella Frogs front Mantella Frogs back 16 Mantella Frog 51 - -
28 Elegant Grasshopper Elegant Grasshopper front Elegant Grasshopper back 23 Elegant Grasshopper 43 - -
29 Bullet Ant Bullet Ant front Bullet Ant back 26 Bullet Ant 41 - -
30 Tiger Spider Tiger Spider front Tiger Spider back 21 Tiger Spider 22 - -
31 Black Mamba Black Mamba front Black Mamba back 28 Black Mamba 53 - -
32 Blister Beetles Blister Beetles front Blister Beetles back 27 Blister Beetle 28 - -
33 Mouse Spider Mouse Spider front Mouse Spider back 23 Mouse Spider 64 - -
34 Sea Nettle Sea Nettle front Sea Nettle back 22 Sea Nettle 28 - -
35 Cottonmouth Snake Cottonmouth Snake front Cottonmouth Snake back 18 Cottonmouth Snake 74 - -
36 Black-Necked Spitting Cobra Black-Necked Spitting Cobra front Black-Necked Spitting Cobra back 25 Spitting Cobra 56 - -
37 Thick-Tailed Scorpion Thick-Tailed Scorpion front Thick-Tailed Scorpion back 28 Thick-Tailed Scorpion 28 - -
38 Florida Walking-Stick Florida Walking-Stick front Florida Walking-Stick back 17 Florida Walking Stick 16 - -
39 Short-Tailed Shrew Short-Tailed Shrew front Short-Tailed Shrew back 24 - - - -
40 Sydney Funnel-Web Spider Sydney Funnel-Web Spider front Sydney Funnel-Web Spider back 29 Sydney Funnel-Web Spider 26 - -
41 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Western Diamondback Rattlesnake front Western Diamondback Rattlesnake back 45 Diamondback Rattlesnake 45 - -
42 Asp Viper Asp Viper front Asp Viper back 37 Asp Viper 37 - -
43 Solenodon Solenodon front Solenodon back 40 Solenodon 78 - -
44 Mexican Beaded Lizard Mexican Beaded Lizard front Mexican Beaded Lizard back 33 Mexican Beaded Lizard 33 - -
45 Sea Krait Sea Krait front Sea Krait back 42 Sea Krait 52 - -
46 Brown Recluse Spider Brown Recluse Spider front Brown Recluse Spider back 35 Brown Recluse Spider 18 - -
47 Tiger Snake Tiger Snake front Tiger Snake back 36 Tiger Snake 36 - -
48 Harvester Ants Harvester Ants front Harvester Ants back 32 - - - -
49 White-Tailed Spider White-Tailed Spider front White-Tailed Spider back 39 White-Tailed Spider 57 - -
50 Eyelash Viper Eyelash Viper front Eyelash Viper back 44 Eyelash Viper 44 - -
51 Bark Scorpion Bark Scorpion front Bark Scorpion back 33 Bark Scorpion 65 - -
52 Bush Viper Bush Viper front Bush Viper back 35 Bush Viper 35 - -
53 Sea Urchins Sea Urchins front Sea Urchins back 34 Sea Urchin 34 - -
54 Bushmaster Bushmaster front Bushmaster back 41 Bushmaster 41 - -
55 Common Wasp Common Wasp front Common Wasp back 35 Common Wasp 35 - -
56 Cone Shell Cone Shell front Cone Shell back 39 Cone Shell 55 - -
57 Jumping Spiders Jumping Spiders front Jumping Spiders back 43 Jumping Spider 27 - -
58 Australian Copperhead Australian Copperhead front Australian Copperhead back 31 Australian Copperhead 31 - -
59 Brown Snake Brown Snake front Brown Snake back 48 Brown Snake 48 - -
60 Pirate Spiders Pirate Spiders front Pirate Spiders back 46 Pirate Spider 46 - -
61 Striped Catfish Striped Catfish front Striped Catfish back 51 - - - -
62 Brazilian Wandering Spider Brazilian Wandering Spider front Brazilian Wandering Spider back 47 Brazilian Wandering Spider 55 - -
63 Asian Cobra Asian Cobra front Asian Cobra back 52 Asian Cobra 54 - -
64 Fire-Bellied Toad Fire-Bellied Toad front Fire-Bellied Toad back 60 Fire-Bellied Toad 60 - -
65 Death Adder Death Adder front Death Adder back 47 Death Adder 47 - -
66 Desert Horned Viper Desert Horned Viper front Desert Horned Viper back 50 Desert Horned Viper 50 - -
67 Old World Scorpion Old World Scorpion front Old World Scorpion back 49 Old World Scorpion 49 - -
68 Yellow Sac Spider Yellow Sac Spider front Yellow Sac Spider back 50 Yellow Sac Spider 50 - -
69 Redback Spider Redback Spider front Redback Spider back 53 Redback Spider 53 - -
70 Red-Bellied Black Snake Red-Bellied Black Snake front Red-Bellied Black Snake back 5 Red-Bellied Black Snake 30 - -
71 Sidewinder Sidewinder front Sidewinder back 52 Sidewinder 59 - -
72 Jumping Viper Jumping Viper front Jumping Viper back 59 Jumping Viper 59 - -
73 Arboreal Tarantula Arboreal Tarantula front Arboreal Tarantula back 56 Arboreal Tarantula 61 - -
74 Cape Cobra Cape Cobra front Cape Cobra back 57 Cape Cobra 57 - -
75 Slow Loris Slow Loris front Slow Loris back 58 Slow Loris 58 - -
76 Cave Spider Cave Spider front Cave Spider back 61 Cave Spider 67 - -
77 Russell's Viper Russell's Viper front Russell's Viper back 64 Russell's Viper 64 - -
78 Emperor Newt Emperor Newt front Emperor Newt back 70 Emperor Newt 76 - -
79 European Adder European Adder front European Adder back 72 European Adder 72 - -
80 Mulga Mulga front Mulga back 62 Mulga 62 - -
81 Green Mamba Green Mamba front Green Mamba back 67 Green Mamba 67 - -
82 Taipan Taipan front Taipan back 75 Taipan 75 - -
83 Cascabel Cascabel front Cascabel back 63 Cascabel 63 - -
84 Queen Alexandra's Birdwing Queen Alexandra's Birdwing front Queen Alexandra's Birdwing back 66 - - - -
85 Asian Pit Viper Asian Pit Viper front Asian Pit Viper back 74 Asian Pit Viper 74 - -
86 Mangrove Snake Mangrove Snake front Mangrove Snake back 69 - - - -
87 Boomslang Boomslang front Boomslang back 66 Boomslang 66 - -
88 Saw-Scaled Viper Saw-Scaled Viper front Saw-Scaled Viper back 71 Saw-Scaled Viper 71 - -
89 Krait Krait front Krait back 73 Krait 68 - -
90 Fer-de-Lance Fer-de-Lance front Fer-de-Lance back 65 Fer-De-Lance 65 - -
91 Fire Salamander Fire Salamander front Fire Salamander back 68 Fire Salamander 73 - -
92 Crystal Jellyfish Crystal Jellyfish front Crystal Jellyfish back 90 - - - -
93 Hairy Scorpion Hairy Scorpion front Hairy Scorpion back 88 Hairy Scorpion 88 - -
94 Arrow-Poison Beetle Arrow-Poison Beetle front Arrow-Poison Beetle back 77 Arrow-Poison Beetle 77 - -
95 Eurasian Toad Eurasian Toad front Eurasian Toad back 87 Eurasian Toad 87 - -
96 Hooded Pitohui Hooded Pitohui front Hooded Pitohui back 86 Hooded Pitohui 86 - -
97 Temple Viper Temple Viper front Temple Viper back 80 Temple Viper 80 - -
98 Egyptian Cobra Egyptian Cobra front Egyptian Cobra back 90 Egyptian Cobra 90 - -
99 Water Cobra Water Cobra front Water Cobra back 88 Water Cobra 88 - -
100 Hellbender Hellbender front Hellbender back 82 Hellbender 82 - -
101 Fire Coral Fire Coral front Fire Coral back 85 Fire Coral 85 - -
102 Mothercare Spider Mothercare Spider front Mothercare Spider back 78 - - - -
103 Pufferfish Pufferfish front Pufferfish back 76 Pufferfish 76 - -
104 Helmet Jellyfish Helmet Jellyfish front Helmet Jellyfish back 83 Helmet Jellyfish 83 - -

Monsters of the Deep

No. Creature Front Back Pkt Trading Card 1 Pkt Trading Card 2 Pkt
1 Hatchetfish Hatchetfish front Hatchetfish back 05 Hatchetfish 02 - -
2 Giant Octopus Giant Octopus front Giant Octopus back 1 Giant Octopus 10 - -
3 Bull Shark Bull Shark front Bull Shark back 13 Bull Shark 13 - -
4 Coelacanth Coelacanth front Coelacanth back 04 - - - -
5 Giant Squid Giant Squid front Giant Squid back 04 Giant Squid 06 Giant Squid-Titanium 83
6 Hagfish Hagfish front Hagfish back 15 Hagfish 13 - -
7 Viperfish Viperfish front Viperfish back 03 Viperfish 03 - -
8 Great White Shark Great White Shark front Great White Shark back 00 Great White Shark 00 Great White Shark-Diamond 20
9 Manta Ray Manta Ray front Manta Ray back 11 - - - -
10 Whale Shark Whale Shark front Whale Shark back 09 Whale Shark 12 - -
11 Swordfish Swordfish front Swordfish back 15 Swordfish 15 - -
12 Megamouth Shark Megamouth Shark front Megamouth Shark back 01 - - - -
13 Gulper Eels Gulper Eels front Gulper Eels back 02 Gulper Eel 80 - -
14 Tiger Shark Tiger Shark front Tiger Shark back 04 Tiger Shark 04 - -
15 Stonefish Stonefish front Stonefish back 14 Stonefish 14 - -
16 Oarfish Oarfish front Oarfish back 08 - - - -
17 Hammerhead Sharks Hammerhead Sharks front Hammerhead Sharks back 07 Hammerhead Shark 03 - -
18 Goblin Shark Goblin Shark front Goblin Shark back 16 Goblin Shark 29 - -
19 Pistol Shrimp Pistol Shrimp front Pistol Shrimp back 30 Pistol Shrimp 31 - -
20 Caribbean Reef Shark Caribbean Reef Shark front Caribbean Reef Shark back 18 Carribean Reef Shark 27 - -
21 Lionfish Lionfish front Lionfish back 20 Lionfish 20 - -
22 Cuttlefish Cuttlefish front Cuttlefish back 26 - - - -
23 Toadfish Toadfish front Toadfish back 24 Toadfish 24 - -
24 Moray Eel Moray Eel front Moray Eel back 25 Moray Eel 26 - -
25 Angel Shark Angel Shark front Angel Shark back 25 Angel Shark 25 - -
26 Porcupine Fish Porcupine Fish front Porcupine Fish b 28 Porcupine Fish 28 - -
27 Grey Reef Shark Grey Reef Shark front Grey Reef Shark back 21 Grey Reef Shark 21 - -
28 Conger Eel Conger Eel front Conger Eel back 20 Conger Eel 17 - -
29 Chimaeras Chimaeras front Chimaeras back 30 - - - -
30 Sawfish Sawfish front Sawfish back 17 Sawfish 11 Sawfish-diamond 69
31 Anglerfish Anglerfish front Anglerfish back 22 Anglerfish 22 - -
32 Chambered Nautilus Chambered Nautilus front Chambered Nautilus back 19 - - - -
33 Fangtooth Fangtooth front Fangtooth back 26 Fangtooth 40 - -
34 Black Dragonfish Black Dragonfish front Black Dragonfish back 29 Black Dragonfish 44 - -
35 Sperm Whale Sperm Whale front Sperm Whale back 27 Sperm Whale 45 - -
36 Wolf Fish Wolf Fish front Wolf Fish back 45 Wolf Fish 42 - -
37 Horn Shark Horn Shark front Horn Shark back 36 Horn Shark 29 - -
38 Predatory Tunicate Predatory Tunicate front Predatory Tunicate back 41 Predatory Tunicate 41 - -
39 Mako Shark Mako Shark front Mako Shark back 32 Mako Shark 32 - -
40 Sea Slugs Sea Slugs front Sea Slugs back 38 Sea Slug 38 - -
41 Tripodfish Tripodfish front Tripodfish back 35 - - - -
42 Giant Siphonophore Giant Siphonophore front Giant Siphonophore back 43 Giant Siphonophore 43 - -
43 Vampire Squid Vampire Squid front Vampire Squid back 39 Vampire Squid 46 - -
44 Groupers Groupers front Groupers back 32 - - - -
45 Giant Red Mysid Giant Red Mysid front Giant Red Mysid back 44 - - - -
46 Slipper Lobsters Slipper Lobsters front Slipper Lobsters back 33 - - - -
47 Bearded Anglerfish Bearded Anglerfish front Bearded Anglerfish back 40 Bearded Anglerfish 42 - -
48 Killer Whale Killer Whale front Killer Whale back 42 Killer Whale 42 - -
49 Weeverfish Weeverfish front Weeverfish b 34 - - - -
50 Triggerfish Triggerfish front Triggerfish back 39 Triggerfish 39 - -
51 Carpet Shark Carpet Shark front Carpet Shark back 37 Carpet Shark 37 - -
52 Electric Rays Electric Rays front Electric Rays back 31 Electric Ray 27 - -
53 Spiny King Crab Spiny King Crab front Spiny King Crab back 48 Spiny King Crab 48 - -
54 Dog Whelk Dog Whelk front Dog Whelk back 56 - - - -
55 Blue Whale Blue Whale front Blue Whale back 47 Blue Whale 47 - -
56 Blackdevil Anglerfish Blackdevil Anglerfish front Blackdevil Anglerfish back 46 Blackdevil Anglerfish 46 - -
57 Sea Robins Sea Robins front Sea Robins back 60 - - - -
58 Deep-Sea Lizardfish Deep-Sea Lizardfish front Deep-Sea Lizardfish back 49 Deep-Sea Lizardfish 49 - -
59 Jumbo Squid Jumbo Squid front Jumbo Squid back 53 Jumbo Squid 58 - -
60 Giant Isopod Giant Isopod front Giant Isopod back 50 - - - -
61 Harlequin Shrimp Harlequin Shrimp front Harlequin Shrimp back 51 - - - -
62 Black Swallower Black Swallower front Black Swallower back 59 Black Swallower 66 - -
63 Marlin Marlin front Marlin back 54 Marlin 56 - -
64 Brittle Stars Brittle Stars front Brittle Stars back 54 - - - -
65 Spider Crabs Spider Crabs front Spider Crabs back 55 - - - -
66 Cookie-Cutter Shark Cookie-Cutter Shark front Cookie-Cutter back 52 Cookie-Cutter Shark 52 - -
67 Ocean Sunfish Ocean Sunfish front Ocean Sunfish back 58 - - - -
68 Snipe Eel Snipe Eel front Snipe Eel back 57 Snipe Eel 62 - -
69 Bobbit Worm Bobbit Worm front Bobbit Worm back 61 Bobbit Worm 61 - -
70 Thresher Shark Thresher Shark front Thresher Shark back 66 Thresher Shark 70 - -
71 Arrow Crab Arrow Crab front Arrow Crab back 68 Arrow Crab 68 - -
72 Stoplight Loosejaw Stoplight Loosejaw front Stoplight Loosejaw back 62 - - - -
73 Icefish Icefish front Icefish back 72 - - - -
74 Sand Tiger Shark Sand Tiger Shark front Sand Tiger Shark back 64 Sand Tiger Shark 37 - -
75 Sea Cucumbers Sea Cucumbers front Sea Cucumbers back 70 Sea Cucumber 39 - -
76 Narwhal Narwhal front Narwhal back 75 Narwhal 75 - -
77 Mantis Shrimp Mantis Shrimp front Mantis Shrimp back 65 Mantis Shrimp 65 - -
78 Humpback Whale Humpback Whale front Humpback Whale back 73 - - - -
79 Deep-Sea Octopus Deep-Sea Octopus front Deep-Sea Octopus back 61 Deep-Sea Octopus 63 - -
80 Stargazers Stargazers front Stargazers back 69 Stargazer 69 - -
81 Scorpionfish Scorpionfish front Scorpionfish back 63 Scorpionfish 54 - -
82 Spotted Eagle Ray Spotted Eagle Ray front Spotted Eagle Ray back 67 Spotted Eagle Ray 67 - -
83 Frogfish Frogfish front Frogfish back 71 - - - -
84 Giant Sea Spider Giant Sea Spider front Giant Sea Spider back 74 Giant Sea Spider 74 - -
85 Leatherback Turtle Leatherback Turtle front Leatherback Turtle back 84 - - - -
86 Dumbo Octopus Dumbo Octopus front Dumbo Octopus back 80 - - - -
87 Lemon Shark Lemon Shark front Lemon Shark back 87 Lemon Shark 87 - -
88 Flounders Flounders front Flounders back 79 - - - -
89 Giant Tubeworms Giant Tubeworms front Giant Tubeworms back 76 - - - -
90 Crabeater Seal Crabeater Seal front Crabeater Seal back 78 Crabeater Seal 78 - -
91 Copper Shark Copper Shark front Copper Shark back 77 Copper Shark 77 - -
92 Whitetip Reef Shark Whitetip Reef Shark front Whitetip Reef Shark back 90 Whitetip Reef Shark 90 - -
93 Pineapple Fish Pinapple Fish front Pinapple Fish back 83 - - - -
94 Fin Whale Fin Whale front Fin Whale back 76 - - - -
95 Blue Shark Blue Shark front Blue Shark back 78 Blue Shark 78 - -
96 Violet Snail Violet Snail front Violet Snail back 88 - - - -
97 Ribbon Eel Ribbon Eel front Ribbon Eel back 88 - - - -
98 Colossal Squid Colossal Squid front Colossal Squid back 84 Colossal Squid 84 - -
99 Mimic Octopus Mimic Octopus front Mimic Octopus bacl 89 Mimic Octopus 89 - -
100 Basking Shark Basking Shark front Basking Shark back 81 - - - -
101 Right Whale Right Whale front Right Whale back 83 - - - -

Tiny Terrors

No. Creature Front Back Pkt Trading Card 1 Pkt Trading Card 2 Pkt
1 Horse Fly Horse Fly front Horse Fly back 09 Horse Fly 20 - -
2 Malarial Mosquito Malarial Mosquito front