A category for creatures whose knowledge cards do not list a weight, usually due to how broad the card is.
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All items (340)
- Backswimmers
- Bark Scorpion
- Bearded Anglerfish
- Bearded Dragon
- Bedbug
- Bee Assassin Bugs
- Bee-Killer Wasp
- Bird-Eating Spider
- Black Swallower
- Black Widow Spider
- Black-Necked Spitting Cobra
- Blackdevil Anglerfish
- Blackflies
- Blister Beetles
- Blowflies
- Bluebottle Fly
- Bobbit Worm
- Bolas Spiders
- Bombardier Beetle
- Boomslang
- Bot Flies
- Box Jellyfish
- Brazilian Wandering Spider
- Brittle Stars
- Brown Recluse Spider
- Brown Skua
- Brown Snake
- Budgett's Frog
- Bulldog Ant
- Bullet Ant
- Bush Viper
- Butterfly Bugs
- Cape Cobra
- Carpet Shark
- Cascabel
- Cave Spider
- Cave Weta
- Chagas Bugs
- Chambered Nautilus
- Chigger Mites
- Chimaeras
- Christmas Island Red Crab
- Cicada-Killer Wasp
- Cicadas
- Cladoselache
- Click Beetles
- Clownfish
- Cockroaches
- Coelurosauravus
- Colorado Beetle
- Common Starfish
- Common Wasp
- Coral Snakes
- Cottonmouth Snake
- Crab Spiders
- Cryolophosaurus
- Crystal Jellyfish
- Cuckoo Wasps
- Ghost Bat
- Ghost Crab
- Giant Ants
- Giant Centipedes
- Giant Millipedes
- Giant Orb Spider
- Giant Orthocone
- Giant Red Mysid
- Giant Sea Spider
- Giant Siphonophore
- Giant Tubeworms
- Giant Walking Stick
- Giant Whip Scorpion
- Gigantophis
- Giraffe Beetle
- Gladiator Insects
- Glow-Worm
- Goblin Shark
- Golden Tree Snake
- Gracilisuchus
- Great Diving Beetle
- Great Gray Slug
- Great Silver Beetle
- Green Anole
- Green Lacewings
- Green Lynx Spider
- Green Mamba
- Ground Chameleon
- Gulper Eels
- Haast's Eagle
- Hagfish
- Hairy Scorpion
- Hard Ticks
- Harlequin Beetle
- Harlequin Shrimp
- Harvester Ants
- Harvestmen
- Hatchetfish
- Helmet Jellyfish
- Hermit Crabs
- Hesperornis
- Hickory Horned Devil
- Hissing Cockroach
- Honeypot Ants
- Hooded Pitohui
- Hookworms
- Horn Shark
- Horned Orb-Weavers
- Hornet
- Horse Fly
- Horseshoe Crabs
- House Spider
- Human Lice
- Hunting Spider
- Huntsman Spiders
- Hyaenodon