Nobody really knows exactly what the Hopkinsville goblins are or where they came from. These small, human-like creatures are said to share characteristics of both ghosts and aliens. The goblins have supposedly made brief contact with humans, and people claim to have witnessed the visitors or the spacecraft they used on their visit to Earth.
Armed, Not Dangerous: The goblins apparently don't attack people, but witnesses say the creatures have rows of needle-like teeth in their mouths and long talons on their hands, like an eagle's. Both could be used as weapons.
Ugly Mug: The faces of Hopkinsville goblins are their most startling feature. Huge, glowing eyes suggest they see well in the dark, and their bat-like ears would be sensitive to the tiniest noises.
Rural Invasion[]

The Suttons panicked when the goblins appeared.
August 21, 1955 was a quiet night at the Sutton family farm in rural Kentucky-until the goblins arrived. The Suttons saw a bright light streak across the sky. A short time later, a three-foot tall, silver-skinned creature was peaking in their window. As many as 12 of the goblins ran around the house and even climbed on the roof, terrifying the family. The Suttons darted off in their car to find the police, but the goblins were gone when the authorities arrived.
Hair Raising: While the goblins were investigating the Sutton house, a visitor to the Sutton farm, Billy Ray Taylor, stepped outside to confront them. A goblin on the roof reached down and grabbed the man by the hair. Billy Ray quickly ran back inside.
Silly Skeptics: Authorities explained the goblin story by saying natural gasses had been released from the ground that night, which made the Suttons see things that weren't really there.
- When the goblins first arrived in Hopkinsville, one of the Suttons panicked and grabbed his rifle. Seeing one of the creatures in a tree, he took aim at close range and shot the goblin square in the chest. The creature fell to the ground from the force of the bullet.
- However, the bullet simply bounced off the goblin's body. The creature got up, its body began to glow and it floated into the air, like a ghost. The only evidence left behind was a glowing spot in the grass where the goblin had fallen.