Weird n' Wild Creatures Wiki
Weird n' Wild Creatures Wiki

Not to be confused with Hunting Spider.

Huntsman spiders are big for arachnids, but these sneaky spiders crawl into and hide in very tight spaces. The huntsmen use tiny claws and suctioned hairs to cling to almost any surface, but can instantly break into a fast run to ambush prey or avoid enemies-even if the enemy is a person trying to swat it! When not in hiding, the spider likes to go out hunting for a meal, which is how it got its name.

So Bright: Many species of huntsman spider are brightly colored-from white to an electric yellow-and have dark stripes on their legs. These bright colors warn enemies, such as birds, that the spiders are dangerous, and they might not want to attack them.

Flat Out: Huntsman spiders have flattened bodies that allow them to creep in and out of small spaces. Rather than living in a web, these arachnids seek shelter under loose tree bark or in rocky crevices.

On the Hunt[]

Huntsman Spiders Back Image

Long legs help this spider sprint after prey.

These spiders got their name from the fact that they're much more active than other spiders that hang around a web and wait for a meal. The huntsman prowls around its habitat-which can range from forests to deserts-constantly on alert for signs of a victim. When it finds one, its long legs allow it to dart forward, backward and even sideways with such speed that insects such as grasshoppers don't even have time to leap away. Tiny claws and sticky hairs on its legs allow the huntsman to move fast over smooth and rough terrain.

Slurpy: A huntsman's mouth is hidden behind its long fangs and hairy palps. When a spider sucks up the liquefied remains of a victim, the food is filtered through the hairs so bacteria and other germs aren't sucked into its stomach.

The Exterminator: These spiders are often found in people's homes in Australia and the surrounding islands. Many people are terrified of them, but their bites are harmless to people-and huntsmen do a great job of pest control around the house.

Climbing up the Walls[]

  1. Late one night, a huntsman spider crawls out of a crack in a wall to look for prey. Many insects live in people's homes, and the spider finds plenty of food hunting down prey in the enclosed space.
  2. The huntsman spider clings to small cracks in the wall, and can climb on any surface in the house to chase after its victims, with the small claws and sticky hairs on its legs. The hairs secrete minute amounts of water to create suction and keep the spider from falling.

Trading Card[]


  • The knowledge card says Huntsman Spiders. The trading card says Huntsman Spider.