Weird n' Wild Creatures Wiki

Lambeosaurus was a lumbering plant-eater that was bigger than most of the predators trying to eat it about 70 million years ago-it was even bigger than T-rex. This dinosaur moved in herds to help protect itself from danger while it munched on plants using a mouth that was crammed with teeth. One signal from a member of the "tribe" sent dozens of the beasts running away on their hind legs.

Need a Toothbrush: Lambeosaurus had a toothless beak that snipped twigs and leaves, but its cheeks were a different story. Experts think this beast did a lot of chewing-some skulls have been found with more than 1,000 tiny teeth crammed into their jaws!

Gotta run: This dino's front legs were far shorter than its hind legs, so the creature slumped over when walking on all fours. However, the small front legs made it easy for lambeosaurus to rear up and run when chased by predators.

Family Crest[]

Lambeosaurus Back Image

Fossils show that lambeosaurus had long jaws lined with thousands of tiny teeth.

One of the most interesting features of lambeosaurs was the crest that grew from the dinosaur's skull. The crest looked like the blade of a hatchet and was connected to a bony spike in the rear of the skull. Experts have discovered that lambeosaurus' crest was hollow; it may have been used to amplify bellowing calls that members of a herd made to each other. Plus, this unique-looking crest probably helped lambeosaurus recognize other members of its species.

Have You Herd? Lambeosaurus ran in herds for protection against predators. The beast had a great sense of smell, and reared up on its hind legs to sniff for enemies-if any member of the herd smelled danger, it started a stampede away from the area.

Leatherback: Lambeosaurus is one of few dinosaurs that left fossilized impressions of its skin for scientists to study. This evidence shows that the reptile had leathery skin instead of scales.

River of Doom[]

During different seasons of the year, herds of lambeosaurus probably had to migrate over great distances to find fresh sources of food. If the herd had to cross a wide river on the way, they faced many dangers. Small or weak members would be washed away in fast currents, while others would be pulled down by the jaws of giant ancient crocodiles.

Trading Card[]
