- 'Round The Anthill
- A Monster Special
- A Tiger Tale
- Aardvark
- Acacia Ant
- Acrocanthosaurus
- Africa
- African Buffalo
- African Bullfrog
- African Elephant
- African Lion
- African Lungfish
- African Porcupine
- African Wild Dog
- Against All Odds
- Aggressor
- Airborne
- Alien Invasion
- Alien Labyrinth
- Allied Strength
- Alligator Gar
- Alligator Snapping Turtle
- Allosaurus
- Amargasaurus
- Ambulocetus
- Ambush
- Ambush Bugs
- American Alligator
- American Badger
- American Mastodon
- Andean Condor
- Andrewsarchus
- Angel Shark
- Anglerfish
- Animal All-Stars
- Ant-Mimic Spiders
- Antlion
- Antmen
- Anubis
- Anubis Speaks
- Apatosaurus
- Aphids
- Aquatic Leech
- Arboreal Tarantula
- Archaeopteryx
- Archerfish
- Argentavis
- Argentinosaurus
- Armored Ground Crickets
- Army Ant
- Arrow-Poison Beetle
- Arrow Crab
- Asian Cobra
- Asian Longhorn Beetle
- Asian Pit Viper
- Asp Viper
- Assassin
- Attack Bonus
- Australia's Deadly All-Stars
- Australian Copperhead
- Avalanche
- Axolotl
- Aye-Aye
- Azhi Dahaka
- Baba Yaga
- Babirusa
- Back To Life
- Backswimmers
- Backup
- Backyard Jungle
- Baital
- Bald Eagle
- Bald Uakari
- Banished
- Banshees
- Bark Scorpion
- Barracudas
- Baryonyx
- Basilisk
- Basilisk Lizard
- Basilosaurus
- Basking Shark
- Battle Meditation
- Battle of the Monsters - Power-Up Cards
- Battle of the Monsters Trading Card Game 1
- Battle of the Monsters Trading Card Game 2
- Battle of the Monsters Trading Card Game 3
- Battle of the Monsters Trading Card Game 4
- Battle of the Monsters Trading Card Game 5
- Battle of the Monsters Trading Card Game 6
- Battle of the Monsters Trading Card Games
- Battle of the Monsters Variations 69
- Battle of the Monsters Variations 75
- Bearded Anglerfish
- Bearded Dragon
- Bearded Vulture
- Beast People
- Bedbug
- Bee-Killer Wasp
- Bee Assassin Bugs
- Below Zero
- Bengal Tiger
- Big & Small
- Big Fish
- Bigfoot
- Biohazard
- Bird-Eating Spider
- Black-Necked Spitting Cobra
- Black-Tailed Jackrabbit
- Black Caiman
- Black Dog
- Black Dragonfish
- Black Mamba
- Black Panthers
- Black Rhino
- Black Swallower
- Black Widow Spider
- Blackdevil Anglerfish
- Blackflies
- Blaze
- Blister Beetles
- Blowflies
- Blue-Ringed Octopus
- Blue & Yellow Macaw
- Blue Shark
- Blue Whale
- Bluebottle Fly
- Boa Constrictor
- Bobbit Worm
- Bolas Spiders
- Bombardier Beetle
- Bonus Checklist
- Boogeyman
- Boomslang
- Borhyaena
- Bot Flies
- Bottlenose Dolphin
- Box Jellyfish
- Brachiosaurus
- Brainwashing
- Brazilian Wandering Spider
- Brittle Stars
- Brontotherium
- Brown Rat
- Brown Recluse Spider
- Brown Skua
- Brown Snake
- Budgett's Frog
- Build-A-Beast
- Bull Shark
- Bulldog Ant
- Bullet Ant
- Bunyip
- Bush Viper
- Bushmaster
- Butterfly Bugs
- Camazotz
- Cape Cobra
- Capybara
- Carcharodontosaurus
- Cards
- Cards/Single Table
- Caribbean Reef Shark
- Carnotaurus
- Carpet Shark
- Cascabel
- Cassowary
- Catoblepas
- Cave Bear
- Cave Spider
- Cave Weta
- Centaurs
- Ceratosaurus
- Cerberus
- Cetus
- Chagas Bugs
- Chalicotherium
- Chambered Nautilus
- Chasmosaurus
- Cheap Shot
- Checklists
- Cheetah
- Chigger Mites
- Chimaera
- Chimaeras
- Chimpanzee
- Chinese Dragons
- Christmas Island Red Crab
- Chuckwalla
- Chupacabra
- Cicada-Killer Wasp
- Cicadas
- Cladoselache
- Click Beetles
- Clownfish
- Clowning Around
- Cockroaches
- Coelacanth
- Coelophysis
- Coelurosauravus
- Color Me Deadly
- Color Me Toxic
- Colorado Beetle
- Colossal Squid
- Colossochelys
- Columbian Mammoth
- Common Ground
- Common Starfish
- Common Wasp
- Compsognathus
- Cone Shell
- Conger Eel
- Cookie-Cutter Shark
- Copper Shark
- Copperhead
- Coral Confusion
- Coral Snakes
- Cottonmouth Snake
- Coyote
- Crab Spiders
- Crabeater Seal
- Create-A-Caption Contest
- Create-A-Monster
- Create-A-Story
- Create A Creature
- Creature Crossword
- Creature Cube
- Creatures and Monsters
- Crested Newt
- Crown of Thorns
- Cryolophosaurus
- Crystal Jellyfish
- Cthulhu
- Cuckoo Wasps
- Cut-Off
- Cuttlefish
- Cyborgs
- Cyclops
- Cynognathus
- Damsel Bugs
- Dance Flies
- Dapedium
- Dead Or Alive?
- Death's Head Hawk Moth
- Death-Watch Beetle
- Death Adder
- Death Stalker Scorpion
- Deep-Sea Lizardfish
- Deep-Sea Octopus
- Deep Freeze
- Defense Bonus
- Deinocheirus
- Deinonychus
- Deinosuchus
- Deinotherium
- Desert
- Desert Disorder
- Desert Hedgehog
- Desert Horned Viper
- Desert Locust
- Desman
- Dewdrop Spider
- Diatryma
- Dilophosaurus
- Dimetrodon
- Dimorphodon
- Dining Out
- Dinofelis
- Dinogorgon
- Diplocaulus
- Dire Wolf
- Disaster Cards
- Disaster Cards Monster Mania
- Do-Over
- Do Not Disturb!
- Do You Know Your Namesakes?
- Dobsonflies
- Dodge
- Doedicurus
- Dog Whelk
- Double Team
- Down To Size
- Dragonflies
- Dried Up
- Driver Ant
- Dromaeosaurus
- Dugong
- Dumbo Octopus
- Dung Beetles
- Dunkleosteus
- Dust Mite
- Dwarf Spiders
- Eagle Owl
- Earthquake
- Earwig
- Eastern Gray Kangaroo
- Eat or Be Eaten
- Echidna
- Edmontonia
- Egg-Eating Snake
- Egyptian Cobra
- Elasmosaurus
- Electric Eel
- Electric Rays
- Elegant Grasshopper
- Elemental Cards
- Elemental Cards Monster Mania
- Elephant Beetle
- Elephant Seal
- Emerald Tree Boa
- Emperor Newt
- Emperor Scorpion
- Emperor Tamarin
- Entelodonts
- Eruption
- Erymanthian Boar
- Euoplocephalus
- Eurasian Buzzard
- Eurasian Toad
- European Adder
- Eurypterids
- Eustreptospondylus
- Extra Strength
- Eyelash Viper
- False Scorpions
- Fangtooth
- Farming Termite
- Fat-Tailed Scorpion
- Faulty Armor
- Fennec Fox
- Fenrir
- Fer-de-Lance
- Fiddler Crab
- Fierce Snake
- Fin Whale
- Find The Fakes
- Find the Fish
- Fire-Bellied Toad
- Fire Ant
- Fire Coral
- Fire Salamander
- Fireflies
- Fireworms
- Flesh Flies
- Flood