In a time filled with castles, knights and sorcerers, Morgan le Fay was the most powerful witch in the world. Legends tell of this woman being related to the good King Arthur, though her soul was tainted by evil. She was a master of black magic, and used various spells to help Arthur's enemies. She could also change her shape and blend into shadows to watch all that was going on in the land, and use that spying to her advantage.
Bad Speller: This witch knew many dark spells. She could change into the shape of any animal in order to spy on her enemies, and could use magic to enchant the bodies of evil knights so they could live on even if their heads were cut off in battle.
Royal Connection: According to folklore, Morgan le Fay was the half-sister of the legendary King Arthur. She became a powerful sorceress through the teachings of Merlin, then turned to use her abilities against both Arthur and Merlin.

Some say le Fay lived near what is now known as Tintagel Castle.
Though Morgan le Fay was related to King Arthur, she supposedly hated him and pulled nasty tricks to try to end his rule. She could put magic spells on the shields and armor of Arthur's enemies so the weapons held by his knights would crumble on impact. She also tried to cause confusion within Arthur's castle, spreading rumors and lies to turn the Knights of the Round Table against each other. She even stole Arthur's famous sword, Excalibur, and put it in the hands of one of the king's deadliest rivals.
Bad Seed: In some stories, Morgan le Fay's tricks finally worked. She enchanted herself to look like Arthur's queen, Guinevere, and tricked the king into fathering her son. The son, Mordred, grew to hate Arthur, and eventually killed him in battle.
Another Side: Morgan le Fay isn't evil in all stories. In older legends, she was a healer and helped Arthur throughout his life. Her character is based on Modron, the old Irish goddess of motherhood and life.
Even though Morgan le Fay caused the downfall of King Arthur and his empire of Camelot, she showed another side of herself in the end. When Arthur's body was being taken away, she breathed a slight bit of life back into him. As she was sailing away with him, she told others that she might even be able to heal him completely and bring him back someday.
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- Morgan le Fay is featured in Monster Mix-Up on Monster Mania 101.