Weird n' Wild Creatures Wiki

According to legend, the Nandi bear is a beastly murderer that has long been a terror of East Africa. Like overgrown and angry hyenas, these monsters are feared for their vicious attacks, which usually lead to them feasting on the brains of their human victims. Many believe these creatures are real, and may be ultra-violent animals that have survived undetected for thousands of years.

One-Eye: Some reports say that Nandi bears have one eye in the middle of their head, like a cyclops. When one of the beasts focuses its evil eye on a victim, that person has little chance of escaping.

Fresh Brains: It is said that most victims of these monsters are found with their skulls shattered and their brains missing. One swipe of a Nandi bear's claws might take a person's head off.

Close Encounters[]

Nandi Bears Back Image

The Nandi tribe lives in fear of Nandi bears.

Scientists have come up with several possible explanations for the Nandi bear over the decades. Many claim the creatures have brown, spotted fur, so scientists think that the "bears" may actually be spotted hyenas, which are known to attack humans and eat through their skulls. Others believe the Nandi bears may be a surviving group of short-faced hyenas-animals the size of lions that are thought to have gone extinct.

Howler: Captain William Hichens of England reported an encounter with the Nandi bear in 1927. The beast destroyed his tent and killed his dog. Hichens didn't see the beast, but said its howls were so horrible they "split the night."

Stand Tall: Other tales of Nandi bear attacks say the creatures break down the doors of tribal huts. They supposedly rear on their hind legs when fighting and stand 10 feet tall.

Brains for Dinner[]

  1. The Nandi bear uses its long claws and strong hind legs to climb trees where it waits for unsuspecting people to walk by. When a Nandi tribesman who is out on the hunt stops beneath the bear's perch, the beast leaps down in a deadly ambush.
  2. The tribesman never has a chance, and is instantly killed with a swipe of the Nandi bear's powerful paws. The hyena-like monster cracks the man's head open and reaches inside to find its favorite treat a fresh human brain, which it devours with joy.

Trading Card[]


  • The knowledge card says Nandi Bears. The trading card says Nandi Bear. Only, it has the Gold Attack Power variation.
  • The Nandi bear is featured in Mistaken Identity on Monster Mania 68.
  • It is unknown where the beast having a singular eye comes from, as pretty much all recounts and recreations have two eyes, and all recorded retold accounts don’t mention a singular eye.