Weird n' Wild Creatures Wiki

The regal horned lizard is a tough, blood-squirting desert-dweller. In the hottest desert in North America, this reptile carves out a life by eating ants and avoiding attackers. Its body is prickly, and can cut the mouths of those that try to eat it. As a final defense, the lizard will shoot streams of blood from its eyes to startle enemies.

Crown of Horns: Up to 10 sharp horns surround the back of the regal horned lizard's head. These pointy projections gave the reptile its name and discourage enemies from biting into its neck.

Ant Appetizers: This lizard's favorite food is the harvester ant, and it can't eat just one. When the reptile finds a line of marching ants, it flicks out its long sticky tongue as they pass by and picks off up to 2,500 victims in one sitting.

Crouching Lizard[]

Regal Horned Lizard Back Image 1
Regal Horned Lizard Back Image 2

This lizard lives in rocky canyons in the Southwest U.S.

The regal horned lizard has to stay alert for enemies, especially while it's eating ants out in the open. The reptile keeps its body close to the ground and its light brown scales blend in with the sand and rocks in its desert home. This lizard's horns and its other spiky, overlapping scales give the creature an intimidating appearance, and make predators, such as venomous desert snakes, think twice about swallowing its pointy body.

Hideout: Young horned lizards receive no care or protection from their parents. These creatures often bury themselves in the sand as soon as they hatch to avoid lurking predators.

In Disguise: The regal horned lizard is one of the oddest lizards in appearance. This creature's body is wide and flat and its tail is short and stubby, which makes it look more like a toad than a lizard.

Blood Sport[]

  1. While a regal horned lizard is out searching for some harvester ants, a skunk picks up the reptile's scent. Food can be scarce in the desert, so the hungry skunk ignores the lizard's prickly body and moves in to attack.
  2. In a last line of defense, the lizard constricts the blood vessels near its eyes. Pressure builds up as the blood tries to flow, and it finally bursts out in a stream that can travel 3.5 feet. This jet of blood hits the skunk in the nose, startling the attacker so much that it retreats.

Trading Card[]


  • There is no period at the end of the Say What? section of this creature's trading card.
  • The regal horned lizard is featured in Spitting Contest on Monster Mania 21.
  • It is one of two lizard species in the Nightmares of Nature category along with the Tegu to not be a monitor lizard.