When storms raged over prehistoric North America, they were thought to have been created by the legendary beast called the thunderbird. With a wingspan over 3 miles wide, the thunderbird darkened the skies, terrifying Native American peoples.
Bright Eyes: Legend said that this creature shot bolts of lightning out of its eyes. The strikes came each time the bird opened its eyes.
A Legend of Nature[]

Thunderbirds were often carved on totem poles.
The thunderbird legend represented both the danger and the beauty Native Americans found in nature. As it flew across the sky, the lightning and hail the bird brought caused destruction and sometimes killed natives. However, the rain that fell gave life to the land and its people.
Iced: Legend had it that if hunters got too close to the thunderbird's cave, it rolled large clumps of ice at them to scare them away.
Let's Dance: Tribes performed dances to call upon the thunderbird. During these rituals, men would sometimes go days without food or drink as they danced.
Whale of a Time[]
In many legends, the thunderbird had epic battles with sperm whales. In one story from the Nooka people of Vancouver, Canada, the god Quawteaht turned himself into a sperm whale to lure four thunderbirds into a deadly fight. When the whale dove, three of the birds followed and drowned, but one flew back to the heavens.
Trading Card[]
- The Thunderbird is featured in Where In The World? on Monster Mania 36.
- The Thunderbird is one of the few creatures to only have one subheading on the front of its knowledge card, along with the Lambton Worm and Antmen.