Of all the horrible beasts from Greek mythology, Typhon was the worst. Its breath was as hot as a volcano, and this creature was strong enough to hurl entire mountains at its enemies. An epic showdown between Typhon and Zeus, king of the Greek gods, left the land in ruins.
Heady: Typhon had 100 heads. In various myths one head was that of an animal, such as a donkey; the other 99 were snake or dragon heads that arose from the beast's neck and grew from its fingers.
Cowardly Gods: When the Greek gods saw Typhon, they fled from their home atop Mt. Olympus. The beast was so huge that the gods were afraid to fight it.
Hot Rage[]

Typhon's breath was like an erupting volcano.
Although Typhon was the offspring of Mother Earth, the creature was a monstrosity. Venom oozed from its mouth, and it spewed molten lava out of its glowing eyes. The beast was eventually crushed beneath the volcanic Mt. Etna on the island of Sicily, and the eruptions from that volcano are said to be outbursts of Typhon's fury over being trapped beneath it.
Among the Stars: Typhon was the largest monster in Greek mythology. The beast stood at such a great height that its head touched the stars.
Eclipsed: Gigantic wings allowed Typhon to chase the Greek gods over any terrain. The beast blocked out the sun as it stretched its wings across the sky.
Zeus Rules[]
Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, eventually defeated Typhon, but the monster didn't go down without a fight. The great beast actually won a round of the battle, disarming Zeus of his powerful lightning bolt and ripping off pieces of his hands and feet. Zeus' limbs were restored, and he finally won. but Typhon nearly won.
Trading Card[]
- Typhon is featured on several Monster Mania cards:
- Typhon's trading card is featured on Monster Mania 21, and in the explanation for Battle of the Monsters Trading Card Game 6 on Monster Mania 54.
- Typhon himself is featured in It's All Relative! on Monster Mania 41.