Known only from huge footprints left in the snow and a few eyewitness accounts, the elusive yeti supposedly lives an isolated life at the top of the Himalayas, the highest mountains in the world. All that's known of this legendary white beast is that it wants to be left alone and attacks humans that dare to enter its territory. Some say the yeti-also known as the abominable snowman-even eats the trespassers it catches.
Bigfoot: The only evidence of the yeti are huge footprints left in the snow on the slopes of the Himalayas. The prints measure up to 18 inches long and 13 inches wide. A few people claim to have seen the beast, but no photos of it have ever been taken.
Walking Tall: People who have seen the yeti give varied descriptions. One accounts says it is a bear-like beast that stands up to 15 feet tall. Another, more vicious type of yeti looks like a furry, 7-foot tall human. This is the most common type reported, and is also called the "abominable snowman."
Is it Real?[]

A live yeti has never been captured, either in the flesh or on film, so many people believe the monster is a myth. However, there are those who believe it is real. Several monasteries in Tibet have remains they claim are from the legendary beasts (shown above). In 2003, Russian scientists found a large, white furry foot preserved in the snow. X-rays show that the bones inside are thousands of years old, but more testing must be done to determine if the fossil is from a yeti.
Mr. Yeti to You: Secluded tribes that live in the Himalayas regard the yeti with great respect. These people, called Sherpas, say the beast is extremely territorial and, though it eats mostly vegetables, it likes the occasional taste of human flesh. Sherpas turn around any time they see yeti tracks.
Wanted: In 1961, the government of Nepal declared that the yeti was a real creature, and was determined to find it. The officials offered a $10,000 reward to anyone who could bring conclusive proof of the beast's existence. None have succeeded-so far.
Out on a Ledge[]
As a climber nears the peak of a mountain, he notices some strange tracks in the snow. He brushes thoughts of the yeti aside and continues to climb. Moments later, an angry yeti charges at him, and grabs him by the wrist before the man can put up a fight. The yeti dangles the climber over a cliff, then drops him as punishment for invading its home.
Trading Card[]
- The mini-heading on the front references another famous primate-like cryptid, Bigfoot.
- The yeti is featured in Where In The World? on Monster Mania 59.