Zombies represent one of people's worst fears-the living dead. According to legends, these monsters rise from the grave and have only one thing on their feeble minds-a hunger for human flesh. Their incredible strength comes from an unknown magic power and, though they may seem stupid and slow at first, zombies are clever. They're known for cornering victims, eating through much of their body and then turning the victims into fellow zombies to strengthen their numbers.
Spoiled Meat: Zombies can appear in various stages of decomposition, depending on how long their bodies have been dead. Though they're almost always missing some flesh, the monsters don't bleed because their hearts are no longer beating.
Fresh Brains: In most stories, zombies crave only one thing-human flesh, especially brains. The monsters' brains no longer function, so some think they eat brains in hopes of regenerating a working one for themselves.
Zombie Tribe[]

Zombies on the loose strike terror in horror movies.
Zombies might not seem very scary at first because they usually move very slowly. However, they often travel in large groups and, when they spot potential victims, the monsters maneuver to surround them and converge on them from all directions, cutting off any escape routes. Once surrounded, a victim is doomed. Zombies have incredible strength, and even the strongest people have no hope of pushing their way through a crowd of the monsters without being caught in their grasp.
Keep on Coming: Zombies are hard to kill because they're already dead. Most weapons have no effect on them, and they don't slow down even if they lose an arm or leg. The only known way to eliminate a zombie is to destroy its head.
Zombie Spread: One thing that makes these monsters so dangerous is that they spread their condition to their victims. According to most stories, even just a bite from a zombie can turn healthy people into mindless, rotting corpses.
Voodoo Living[]
People who believe in Voodoo think zombies can be very real. According to Voodoo legends, which began in Africa and spread to the Caribbean islands, certain ingredients can bring a corpse back to life, though it lives as a mindless being. Skeptics think a special drug is given to live victims to put them into such a "zombified" condition.
Trading Card[]
- There are two trading cards: Switch and Unleashed!.
- The image of the zombies on the back left of the card is from the 2004 Zack Snyder Dawn of the Dead.
- Zombies are referenced on the Porcupine Fish card, as the fish's toxin is used in some rituals.